Beta Modding

SDK and docs are unfinished.
Go to discord mod development channel for live support. ( )

DOWNSHOT Build: 1.4
Unreal Engine Version: 5.5
SDK:  1.4

(Mod SDK will update a few days before major game update. In that short period, mod builds will only work in beta)

Basic Info:

Coming Soon to SDK

Common Issues

Getting Started

Plugin Setup

Quick Development

Install to HMD is a bit more dificult. You must have ABD settup for your meta quest device, (many tutorials online), then set the "AbdPath" setting in your project's DefaultEngine.ini file. Inside the file, find "[/Script/DOWNSHOT_SDK.Settings]" and type in the location of your adb.exe install, no quotations. If you have sidequest installed, it would most likley be ...\AppData\Roaming\SideQuest\platform-tools\adb.exe. Install to HMD is not fully functional yet, it currently will only work with one mod project at a time. Your engine will manualy need to be restarted after setting the AbdPath setting. A working example in your file would be:





Mod Creation

Mod Distribution


Most Important Info:

Creating Levels:

Template Level

Configuring a Level

Creating Spawnables:

Configuring an Item

Item Interaction

Configuring a NPC.

Configuring a Vehicle.

API Docs:

About the API

API Functions

 Game path ex: Game/{YourModName}/map1 

 Absolute path ex: c:/user/projects/unreal/mymod/Content/{YourModName}/map1.umap

 Must be called from server.